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Registration Fee: A registration fee of $25.00 per family is due at the time of registration. It will be added to your transaction.
Monthly Tuition:
If you choose to pay by recurring credit card (we accept only Visa, MasterCard and Discover), your card will be charged automatically on a recurring basis beginning September 1 and then on the first (1st) day of each month through May, for a total of nine (9) recurrences (First payment on or before Sept 1st, and then payments on Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st, Jan 1st, Feb 1st, March 1st, April 1st and May 1st).
If you choose to pay by cash or check, it is your responsibility to make the payments on the first of each month as noted in the preceding paragraph. Tuition is to be paid on a monthly basis from September through February, with payment for the last QUARTER (March, April and May) due by March 31. All account balances must be paid IN FULL by March 31 in order for your child to receive his/her costume(s) on Parent Visit Day in May.
NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure that credit lines and funds are available for these tuition charges each month. All financial transactions are subject to the rules and regulations of the cardholder’s bank or credit card issuer. Capital City Dance Studio (CCDS) assumes no responsibility for fees assessed by these institutions for overdrafts, insufficient funds or credit card fees or charges as a result of the transactions authorized through our website. Like any other financial transaction, the day for which it is scheduled cannot be changed, nor can the transaction be stopped on our end except as specified below. In the event Capital City Dance Studio incurs any bank fees or charges as a result of your submission of a payment that is rejected due to insufficient funds or for other reasons, the parent, guardian or cardholder will be responsible for reimbursing Capital City Dance Studio for these fees or charges.
Costume Fees: If you choose to pay by credit card, your costume fees will be charged to that credit card on or about November 1, along with the November tuition. If you choose to pay by cash or check, it is your responsibility to pay your costume fees on November 1. See a list of the costume fees by class on our website. There will be NO costume refunds after December 1. As noted under Monthly Tuition above, recital costumes will not be distributed to students until your account balance is paid in full.
Discounts: Each account is eligible for a discount of $5.00 for each of the second, third and fourth classes taken by any student(s) listed on that account. For example, if your child(ren) take two classes, Class 1 would be full price, and Class 2 will cause a discount of $5.00 to be applied to your transaction (maximum of $15.00 discount per account).
Should you decide to cancel your child’s dance lessons and discontinue this transaction, please submit notice by e-mail to or in writing to Capital City Dance Studio, 117 Westover Road, Frankfort, KY 40601. Such notice must be received 30 days prior to the date of the next transaction or payment due date.
Photographs: I DO or DO NOT agree to allow CCDS to use my child’s image for promotional purposes, including on its website, Facebook page and other web-based media, in advertisements, videos, brochures and similar promotional products. Whether I do or do not authorize CCDS to use my child’s image, I understand and agree that CCDS bears no responsibility – and cannot therefore be held liable – for the posting or use of photos of my child in any media by other parents, members of the general public, recital audience members and others who are not employed by CCDS. By allowing my child to enroll in classes at CCDS, I understand that he or she may be photographed and his or her image may be used by outside parties over whom CCDS has no control or authority.

Stephanie Wooldridge
Wednesdays West Studio A
Thursdays, West Studio A